Our Work
In a good collaboration, mutual understanding is the foundation that comes from recognizing, understanding, and accepting the differences of one another. By achieving this combination, we can then learn and collectively grow as a community. C asean sees the importance of supporting the citizen of the world mindset, thus we have been working with partners to initiate activities under our three scopes of focus: Business & Sustainability, Learning & Talent Development, and Arts & Culture.

Win Win WAR Thailand
Win Win WAR Thailand is the first TV show dedicated to social enterprises by C asean.
Win Win WAR Thailand is the first TV show dedicated to social enterprises by C asean. WAR derived from Willing, Able and Ready. Win Win WAR project to identify members of the new generation who are interested and committed to create social business, as well as sustainably support according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), United Nations. Through three stages competition, audition, market test and market launch. Key activities developed to raise awareness on sustainability and groom social entrepreneurs.
Social entrepreneurs
Create a community of enthusiasts
Build public awareness of sustainability development
Groom Social Entrepreneurs
Share and create knowledge & expertise
Key achievement:
Participants get the opportunity to present the business idea to those who may be interested in investing and to the society
Participants get the opportunity to network with other social entrepreneurs and get to learn from the committee and coach
Participants build out the business concept into tangible and to be sustainable Social Enterprise
Example of impacts made from Win Win WAR Thailand Season 1
Production capacity increased by 5 times from access to new equipment & improved workspace
A larger scale of art therapy & cancer friend Macy activities
Increased local readiness to transform Phu Hor area for community tourism