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"Friendship Beyond Frontier" Concert 2023 by C asean Consonant in Hanoi

15 October 2023, the C asean Consonant Band and Vietnam National Academy of Music co-organized the C asean Consonant concert's "Friendship Beyond Frontier” with a press conference activity and discussion on ASEAN folk musical instruments in Hanoi, Vietnam.  More than 860 people participated in the activity, the event was broadcast through television, newspapers, and online media within Vietnam.   C asean Consonant is a traditional music ensemble of ASEAN that utilizes the universal language of humanity, which is music, as a means to weave together the diverse cultural heritages of the ASEAN member nations. Through this, it aims to foster stronger friendships and cooperation among the countries. This project has become a platform for the younger generation to share, learn, develop, and preserve the traditional music of ASEAN. With twelve different performances, the event served as a link between the many folk music traditions and the attendees. The C asean Consonant’s "Friendship Beyond Frontier" concert gave the audience a profound musical experience and contributed to the development and unity of the ASEAN region.

"The Power of One: Taking Action to reduce GHG Emissions" is back!

Strengthening the knowledge for sustainable business

Thailand Sustainability Academy, under Thailand Supply Chain Network or "TSCN"; the center of sustainable development training for business, is scheduled to organize a training course on the topic "The Power of One: Taking Action to reduce GHG Emissions" Batch 2 for Greenhouse Gas accounting Scope 1 and Scope 2 on Thursday, June 22, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at 205, 2nd floor, Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Ratchadaphisek Road, Khlong Toei, Bangkok. The chance to meet business and sustainability speakers from leading organizations from CPF, BJC, Thai Beverage Can, and leading consultant on sustainable business development, ERM along with a GHG accounting calculation workshop on Scope 1 and Scope 2.

Price 8,000 Baht/person

For further inquiries please contact
Khun Rattakarn (Jan)
Tel. 099-441-5439
Line_Official: @tsa_official
กลับมาแล้วกับหลักสูตร “The Power of One: Taking action to reduce GHG Emissions”

Thailand Sustainability Academy ภายใต้เครือข่ายธุรกิจห่วงโซ่อุปทานแห่งประเทศไทย (Thailand Supply Chain Network) หรือ “TSCN” จัดอบรมด้านการพัฒนาอย่างยั่งยืนให้กับองค์กรธุรกิจ ซึ่งกำหนดจัดอบรมหัวข้อ “The Power of One: Taking action to reduce GHG Emissions” รุ่นที่ 2 เพื่อการจัดทำบัญชีก๊าซเรือนกระจก Scope 1 และ Scope 2 ในวันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 มิถุนายน 2566 เวลา 9.00 น.-17.00 น.ที่ห้องประชุม 205 ชั้น 2 ศูนย์การประชุมแห่งชาติสิริกิต์ ถนนรัชดาภิเษก คลองเตย กรุงเทพมหานคร

พบกับวิทยากรด้านธุรกิจและความยั่งยืนจากองค์กรชั้นนำจาก CPF BJC Thai Beverage Can และที่ปรึกษาชั้นนำด้านการพัฒนาธุรกิจยั่งยืนอย่าง ERM พร้อมเวิคชอร์ปการคำนวณการจัดทำบัญชีก๊าซเรือนกระจก Scope 1 และ Scope 2

ค่าใช้จ่ายการอบรม 8,000 บาท/ท่าน

โทร. 099-441-5439
Line_Official: @tsa_official

10 Countries That Changed Their Names

Numerous nations have changed their names for a variety of reasons, from political or cultural to historical forgetting. Let us examine ten nations that have formally changed their names in the past. Burma > Myanmar changed in 1989 Reason for changing: The change was made to remove the traces of colonization post-independence. Ceylon > Sri Lanka changed in 1972 Reason for changing: The change was driven by the aim to erase colonial traces from the nation. Czech Republic > Czechia changed in 2016 Reason for changing: The change was made to make it easier for companies and sports teams to utilize its name on products and gear.  Democratic Kampuchea > Cambodia changed in 1976 Reason for changing: The change was made because the changing leader and political allegiance. Holland > Netherlands changed in 2020 Reason for changing: The change was made to draw attention to other regions of the country and promote tourism beyond the popular provinces of North Holland and South Holland. Persia > Iran changed in 1935 Reason for changing: The change was made to erase the Western influences the term "Iran" was chosen for its connection to the Aryan race, representing all ethnicities within the nation. Rhodesia > Zimbabwe changed in 1980 Reason for changing:The term "Rhodesia" - derived from the surname of Cecil Rhodes, the primary instigator of British colonization of the territory - was perceived by African nationalists as inappropriate because of its colonial origin and connotations. Turkey > Turkiye changed in 2022 Reason for changing: President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that Türkiye best represents and expresses the culture, civilization, and values of the Turkish nation. Siam > Thailand changed in 1948 Reason for changing: Thailand was chosen to represent the nation as a more contemporary and independent nation. The name “Thailand” means “Land for the Thais” which gave a new sense of belonging to the citizens. Swaziland > Kingdom of eSwatini changed in 2018 Reason for changing:King Mswatti III officially changed the name to celebrate its freedom from Britain. The name eSwatini was chosen to create a firmer sense of belonging in the heart of its citizens.

2 February: World Wetlands Day

Every February 2 is “World Wetlands Day”, held to commemorate the signing of the Ramsar Convention, to prevent and restrain the loss of wetlands around the world. Wetlands are marshes, lowlands, wet areas, peat, water sources, both naturally occurring and man-made. It can be permanent or temporary waterlogging or flooding, sources of still water and flowing, fresh water, brackish water and brine, including coastal areas and places in the sea with not over 6 meters depth when the water level drops to the lowest. The importance of wetlands: Wetland are sources of fresh water and brine; help sustain nature and humanity including supporting economic and social development by providing a variety of services: 1. It is a source for storing and producing clean water Wetlands are the largest source of the world's fresh water. Wetlands naturally filter out pollutants and provide drinkable clean water. 2. It is a source of food production Agriculture is the fastest growing food production sector including freshwater fisheries, which can produce up to 12 million tons of fish in 2018. Each year, rice fields can feed 3.5 billion people worldwide. 3. Support the world economy Wetlands are the most valuable ecosystem providing services worth 1,400 trillion baht per year. More than 1 billion people depend on wetlands for income 4. It is a place of residence 40 percent of the world's species live and breed in wetlands each year, around 200 new fish species discovered in freshwater wetlands. Coral reefs are home to 25 percent of species. 5. Provide safety Wetlands act as protection against floods and rainstorms. Each 1,600 sq.m of land can absorb up to 2.5 million liters of flood water. Wetlands is also help regulate the climate. Peat forests can store twice as much carbon as the world's forests. Salt marshes, mangrove forests, and seagrass beds also help sequester enormous amounts of carbon. Thailand became a party to the Wetlands Convention No. 110 on May 13, 1998, by proposing the "Khuan Khi Sian Swamp" in the Talay Noi non-hunting area, Phatthalung province. It has been registered as Thailand's first wetland of international importance and number 948 in the world order.

2 March: Myanmar Celebrate Peasants’ Day

🌾 Rice is part of the way of ASEAN people's life, resulting in "rice culture" which is a "common culture" of ASEAN countries. It is reflected through consumption, agriculture, language, and various beliefs. The ASEAN Emblem represents a stable, peaceful, united, and dynamic ASEAN. The design was based on rice, the staple food and probably the most important crop for the Southeast Asian people. Since ancient times, rice has been associated with prosperity, welfare, and wealth. This corresponds to the vision of the founding fathers of ASEAN to create a peaceful and prosperous region. The stalks of padi in the middle of the ASEAN Emblem represent the dream of ASEAN's Founding Fathers for an ASEAN comprising all the countries in Southeast Asia bound together in friendship and solidarity. The circle represents the unity of ASEAN. Therefore, it shows that in the ASEAN community, the agriculture is the main occupation in this region and the engine of the country's economy. Some countries in ASEAN have designated public holidays to honor farmers and boost their morale, such as: 🇰🇭  Cambodia - The Royal Ploughing Ceremony Day, called “Bon Chroat Preah Nongkoal” in the Khmer language, is solemnly celebrated at the beginning of the sowing and planting season on the 4th day of the 6th lunar month’s waning moon, which is usually in May on the western calendar. This year it falls on May 26, 2024. 🇲🇨  Indonesia - National Peasants' Day in Sulawesi falls on September 24 every year. 🇹🇭 Thailand - The Royal Ploughing Ceremony Day falls on May every year and it is set on the appropriate auspicious date according to the "Royal Calendar" . This year it falls on May 10, 2024. 🇻🇳  Vietnam - Formerly Peasants’ Day, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Foundation Day falls on March 26 every year 🇲🇲 In Myanmar , today is Peasants' Day, a celebration held annually on the 2nd of March to appreciate the hard work and dedication of the peasants and farmers and their contribution to the economic development of the country. 🌱 ASEAN countries have long roots in agriculture. We believe that agriculture is a way of life for ASEAN people. Agriculture is mainly about growing crops and raising animals to produce food for people around the world. ASEAN is considered one of the rice capitals of the world. Agriculture is also an industry that will support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, such as: Goal 2: Zero Hunger - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Goal 13: Climate Action - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts Goal 15: Life on Land - Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss 🙏  Let's write a thank you note to farmers. References:

27 February: International Polar Bear Day

🌍🐾 Celebrate International Polar Bear Day with Action and Hope! 🐾❄️ Today, on International Polar Bear Day, let's not only raise awareness about these magnificent Arctic giants but also pledge to take concrete actions that safeguard their future. While the challenges they face are substantial, by uniting our efforts, we can make a significant impact.🌟 🔍 Important Stats to Know: With a global population ranging from 22,000 to 31,000 individuals, polar bears are facing a critical juncture, where our actions today will profoundly impact their tomorrow. Arctic Warming: The Arctic is experiencing warming at a rate twice as fast as the global average, leading to a significant loss of the polar bears' sea ice habitat. Vital Sea Ice: A decline of about 13% per decade in summer sea ice is not just a number-it's the ground beneath their feet, disappearing. Impact on Reproduction: Polar bears are having fewer cubs due to the stress of longer fasting periods, directly linked to the earlier breakup of sea ice. Apex Predators: Polar bears help maintain the balance of the Arctic marine ecosystem by controlling seal populations, their primary prey. Cultural Significance: Polar bears are central to the culture and heritage of Arctic indigenous peoples, representing thousands of years of tradition. Economic Contributions: In Churchill, Manitoba, polar bear tourism significantly boosts the local economy, attracting thousands of visitors annually. 🌈 But Here's How We Can Help: Educate & Inspire: Share facts, stories, and visuals of polar bears to keep the conversation going. Green Choices Everyday: Small changes in our daily lives, like reducing energy use, choosing eco-friendly products, and cutting down on waste, contribute to a bigger difference. Support & Donate: Many organizations are on the front lines, working tirelessly to protect polar bear habitats and fight climate change. Consider donating or volunteering. Advocate for Change: Push for policies that protect the environment. Every voice matters. 📸 Let's fill our feeds with love for polar bears today! Share your favorite polar bear photos, art, or stories using the hashtags #InternationalPolarBearDaywithCasean and #Casean. Let’s show these majestic creatures the love and respect they deserve by acting to preserve their home-and ours. #ActForArctic #PolarBearDay #ClimateAction #CaseanTogetherForChange #Casean

5 December: World Soil Day

In 2014, the United Nations designated King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand's birthday on December 5th as the annual World Soil Day, and the year 2015 as the International Year of Soils. World Soil Day is held annually on 5 December as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and advocating for the sustainable management of soil resources. Each year the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) encourages youth and adults around the world to participate in a challenge to care for the soil.   on this day, the King Bhumibol World Soil Day Award (WSDA) is given to the individual or organization that has come up with the best soil day activity or campaign. The Glinka World Soil Prize is another award given out each year. This one goes to an individual who is dedicated to solving the world’s soil degradation problem. How to Participate in World Soil Day 2023? Taking part in World Soil Day offers a chance to educate oneself on the significance of sustainable practices and soil protection. Here are some methods to participate: Find out how protecting the soil may affect biodiversity, climate change, and food security. Tell others about this information. Organize conferences, seminars, or workshops that highlight sustainable farming methods and soil health. Take part in neighborhood tree-planting or soil restoration initiatives to enhance soil quality and reduce erosion. Encourage laws and methods that preserve natural ecosystems, lessen soil erosion, and advance sustainable farming. Employ soil-healthy organic farming techniques like mulching and composting. Distribute information about World Soil Day and its significance using social media and other channels. Motivate other people to act.

57th ASEAN Day Celebration “Connected and Resilient Community”

🎉 Be part of the commemoration of the foundation of ASEAN Community. C asean requests the pleasure of your company at the 57th ASEAN Day Celebration “Connected and Resilient Community” 🗓 Wednesday, 8 August 2024 ⏰ 12.30 - 17.30 hrs. (GMT+7) 📍 C asean, 10th floor, CW Tower, Ratchadapisek Road, Bangkok Kindly complete the 𝗿𝗲𝗴𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺 𝘃𝗶𝗮:   to confirm your attendance by 6 August 2024. We look forward to welcoming you. #Casean #57thASEANDay #ASEANDayCelebration

6 Destinations to Visit in Cambodia

Welcome to the enchanting realm of southwest Asia, a region that will captivate your senses and leave you spellbound. Brace yourself for an extraordinary journey that combines thrills, cultural immersion, and unforgettable budget-friendly experience with the locals, because this is Cambodia. Usually known as the country of Angkor Wat, Cambodia is a land rich in history and beckons travelers with its fascinating blend of ancient wonders and vibrant tradition. If you’re looking forward to visiting this country during the summer, here is the top destination among 6 provinces that you can consider beside Angkor wat. At Sihanoukville province, Rong island is known for its pristine white sandy beach and crystal-clear turquoise waters. You will also witness the plankton that illuminates the waters at night. When disturbed, these tiny organisms emit a stunning blue glow, creating a magical and surreal atmosphere in the water. There are also many other activities that you can enjoy there such as scuba diving, kayaking, fishing, jet skiing and many others. Phnom Sampeau: at the heart of Battambong province, The complex of temples on a mountaintop offers incredible panoramic views of the surroundings; it is known as the home of the Killing Caves, a grim reminder of the Khmer Rouge era. Phnom Sampeau is also home to millions of bats that come out at every 6:00 p.m. in order to hunt for food, and it usually takes around an hour for all of them to come out of the cave. Kampot province: Bokor mountain and its surrounding area attract tourists for its natural beauty, cooler climate, and historical attractions. Visitors can explore the abandoned buildings of the old hill station, such as the Bokor Palace Hotel and the Catholic Church. The panoramic views from the mountain's summit are also a popular draw. Additionally, Bokor National Park offers opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking, bird-watching, and wildlife spotting. Ratanakiri province: Yeak Laom Volcanic Lake, The lake is believed to be around 4,000 years old and is surrounded by dense forests. Its crystal-clear waters and tranquil ambiance make it an ideal spot for, picnicking, and hiking. Ratanakiri is also home to several indigenous ethnic minority groups. These groups have preserved their distinct traditions, languages, and ways of life, offering visitors a chance to immerse themselves in their rich cultural heritage. Preah Vihear province: Preah Vihear Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Perched atop a cliff in the Dangrek Mountains, the temple offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. The temple is an architectural marvel and is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. Its remote location and stunning setting make it a truly unique and awe-inspiring destination. Koh Sdach: Located in Koh Kong province, Koh Sdach is a remote island paradise secluded and lesser-known island, offering a tranquil and peaceful environment for visitors. The island is home to a small fishing village where visitors can witness the traditional way of life of the local residents. Exploring the village provides insights into the local fishing industry and a chance to interact with the friendly locals.

7 Facts that prove the World is in a Climate Emergency

The impacts of climate change are something we global citizens all experience whether we like it or not. It is being taught in school and at home that we should mind our action to help minimize the cruel effects of climate change which humans are hugely to blame for. We are getting more and more alarmed as we know more about the foreseeable horrifying consequences of our actions if we do not change now. Here are 7 facts about the climate emergency which could hopefully make us more determined to make the world a better place soon. First, for the last 170 years, humans have added 2.4 trillion tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Up to half of the amount was added in the past 35–50 years. The industrial revolution has a lot of benefits for humans, whether they be increased opportunities and fascinating innovations, but it has also increased greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, like burning fossil fuels, which include coal and oil. Humans basically have to do better to replace the destruction humans caused to our atmosphere. Second, In the last decade, there have been five warmest years on record. It is very urgent that we help our planet quickly before climate change’s impacts are irreversible. Third, In the US, transportation and housing make up 60% of the carbon footprint. For transportation, it requires a massive amount of fuel. It goes the same way for our homes. To heat, cool, or power our homes, we require a considerable amount of fuel. There are ways to easily reduce the fuel used, like switching to public transport instead or switching to electric-powered cars. An easier change would be to be more mindful when turning on your air conditioning; maybe all family members could spend more family time together in the living room, thus having to turn on just one air conditioner instead of wasting too much energy turning on AC in different house members’ rooms. Fourth, Scientists have predicted that if the increase in greenhouse gas emissions keeps on continuing, the temperature will rise to as high as 10 degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2100. We should really help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, starting with small and persistent gestures we can make on a daily basis. Fifth, when we think of the culprits for greenhouse gas emissions, the one that comes to mind is the burning of fossil fuels: oil and natural gas. There are, in fact, many sources with which greenhouse gas emissions are associated. Thus, all sectors have to come together to help make an effort to reduce their negative impacts on the climate. Sixth, the big countries are mostly accountable for the emissions. The United States, the European Union (EU), China, Russia, Japan, India, and Canada are the biggest emitters, accounting for more than 70 percent of energy-related CO2 emissions in 2004. Seventh, 2018 had the highest concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2), which was 408 parts per million. It was the highest in 3 million years. Reference:

7 Fascinating Facts about Mangroves

Mangroves are a group of trees and shrubs that live in the coastal intertidal zone.Mangroves provide essential habitat for thousands of species. One of the biggest misunderstandings of mangroves is that they are perceived as dirty while in fact they are amazingly beneficial to the nature and animals. Mangroves are important to our healthy ecosystem. Communities along the coast depend on mangroves for coastal protection, food, and income. The reason we have to care for them is because they are in great danger. Here are 7 facts about these extraordinarily rare and gorgeous trees, as well as why we must protect and maintain them. Mangroves can extract up to 5 times more carbon than forests on land. Restoring and protecting mangroves can help combat climate change through carbon sequestration. Mangroves are crucial for the survival of more than 1,500 species. Restoring and protecting mangroves help brings back habitats for our fellow animal friends. The trunks of mangroves can absorb the impacts of waves which means they are incredible front line of defense that helps protect higher ground. Mangroves Can Help Mitigate Coral Bleaching. Healthy mangrove forests have the capability of providing shelter for coral species at risk from coral bleaching. Mangroves cannot be replanted once deforested. Deforestation of mangroves would lead to land erosion and degradation, and in its absence, coastlines would be reshaped by incoming tides and currents. Mangroves are Found in Salty Water. Most of these trees live and thrive on muddy soil and can filter out as much as 90% of all the salt in seawater when it enters their roots. Indonesia Boasts the Largest Ecosystem of Mangroves in the World, mangrove trees in Indonesia cover more than 23,000 square km and are estimated to  account for 23% of the world’s total . Reference:

AMD 2023: Closing Program

ASEAN Management Development (AMD) is a talent development program organized jointly between C asean and ThaiBev Group. The program is preparing executives in the ThaiBev group to be able to grow at the ASEAN level by developing and opening the business perspectives of the ThaiBev Group. The AMD Batch 3 was held on March 20–24, 2023, in Bangkok, with a field trip to Ayutthaya on March 25, 2023, and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on March 27–30, 2023, in collaboration with Saigon Beer-Alcohol-Beverage Corporation (SABECO). The program was attended by 29 members of ThaiBev Group’s international talent pool who are ready to perform and have the potential to take regional roles with mobility to work across the region. The expected outcome is an innovative business project on "ThaiBev Group's Real-World Issue" that will become the main strategy in driving ThaiBev Group to be a stable and sustainable ASEAN leader. After the insightful training course, first-round presentations, and final-round presentations to Chiefs, Project Sponsors, and Project Coaches, the winner is the "Vanguard" team, which proposed the Synergy between ThaiBev and SABECO. The team members are from ThaiBev, Oishi, F&N, SEBECO, and Times Publishing Group. #ThaibevAMD #AMD #ASEANManagementDevelopment #Casean #ThaiBev

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