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ASEAN Situation Report

Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) in ASEAN

The daily statistics and updates on how we cope with this unprecedented pandemic.

7 May 2020

The shock in the health aspects will probably be short-lived, however, it is the economic consequences that are bound to last longer, governments around the globe are devising a medium-long term fiscal and monetary strategy to keep their economy afloat.

7 May 2020

Excepting for Singapore and Thailand, most developing countries in ASEAN are spending between 1 to 2percent of GDP to contain the outbreak and respond to the economic shock due to the spread of coronavirus. Although Thailand has spent around 8.9% of her GDP on the stimulus package, two-third of the budget is from borrowing. Policy Tracker, IMF

5 May 2020

ASEAN could be expecting more FDI inflow after the COVID-19, as the Japanese government is looking to transfer to diversify her supply chains base from China to ASEAN.

4 May 2020

Cross border limitation and lockdown expansion are continuing in the region, especially in Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines, where the reports of new cases are remaining high.

1 May 2020

On week 18 since the start of this COVID-19 pandemic, let's have a look of the recent development in ASEAN.

30 April 2020

Vietnam has declared that the country has won the war with COVID-19 outbreak by mass-testing and mass quarantine strategy.

29 April 2020

When Will COVID-19 End? That was the question everyone asked, but this group of scientist from SUTD Data-Driven Innovation Lab may have the answer. And it is May 30, 2020.

28 April 2020

Even before the pandemic, the performance of the Thai economy was already slow and unstable. Around 52% of country GDP is in services, which includes tourism, banking and finance. However, the country has been suffering from dangerous levels of non-performing assets or around 30% of the total assets. (Wikipedia, 2020)

27 April 2020

In week 17, there are 10,937 new cases in the region; the significant new infection was mostly populated in Singapore with 6,701 new cases, followed by 2,359 and 1,207 in Indonesia and the Philippines.

24 April 2020

ASEAN has come a long way from an agriculture economy to a combination with industry, manufacturing, and service one. Unfortunately, the economic shocks from the COVID-19 hit hard for businesses under those categories.

23 April 2020

Evil hackers are taking advantage of people's fear of COVID-19. Cybercriminals are targeting everyone here are some of the schemes that all citizen of the world should be aware

22 April 2020

Happy Earth Day! Let's celebrate the biggest drop of CO2 emission at home since the recession in 1975. But beware of the new spike, as Southeast Asia could get the second round hit of COVID-19.

21 April 2020

Is ASEAN ready for the shift toward eCommerce? Expecting an increase of 16 – 70% in an online sale, but can ASEAN capture the exponential growth of eCommerce with our current digital infrastructure?

20 April 2020

Several economies are already in a vulnerable state with sluggish growth and high debt levels before entering this crisis.

17 April 2020

We shall expect the L- In 2020, as the growth in all major ASEAN economies would remain negative except for Vietnam.

16 April 2020

What 0.6% | 60% | 12 | 13 | and 2022 means when it comes to COVID-19?

15 April 2020

Lessons from Asia; western governments have started to respond to prevention measures, implemented in our region over the past three months. As they have proven to slow the impact of the disease

14 April 2020

Indonesia has experienced the continuous surge of newly reported cases. Could the permission that allows ten million people to return home at the end of Ramadan in early April could accelerate the spread of this pandemic? For more daily statistics and update around ASEAN

13 April 2020

Vietnam has done exceptionally well in coping with this pandemic. It is one of the three countries in the region with zero death report from COVID-19. Below timeline has identified some of the past key measures from January to March.

10 April 2020

The only way to stay strong is to keep remaining home. Find out daily statistics and updates on how ASEAN is coping with this unprecedented pandemic, COVID-19.

7 April 2020

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