Our Work
In a good collaboration, mutual understanding is the foundation that comes from recognizing, understanding, and accepting the differences of one another. By achieving this combination, we can then learn and collectively grow as a community. C asean sees the importance of supporting the citizen of the world mindset, thus we have been working with partners to initiate activities under our three scopes of focus: Business & Sustainability, Learning & Talent Development, and Arts & Culture.

Pattern Jrm
24 มิ.ย. 2564
Discuss impact of COVID to ASEAN countries, your country or your specific community
Suggest ways for ASEAN countries, your country or your specific community to become more resilient against pandemic and other adversities in the future
4th ASEAN Youth Speech Contest
Topic: “From Recovery to Resilience of ASEAN”
Discuss impact of COVID to ASEAN countries, your country or your specific community
Suggest ways for ASEAN countries, your country or your specific community to become more resilient against pandemic and other adversities in the future
Format: Virtual
Contestants must be citizens of ASEAN Member States aged between 15-25
First Round:
Contestants submit a 3-min speech video by 29 July 2021 (extended) at 22:00 (GMT+7) via the link: https://bit.ly/ApplyFirstRound
Contestants are not allowed to read from the script
No amination or graphic presentation is allowed in the speech video
Final Round:
Only shortlisted finalists are eligible for the Final Round
Finalists submit 5-min pre-recorded speech video for the panel of judges by 4 August 2021 at 15:00 (GMT+7)
Final Round live on C asean Facebook Fanpage on 5 August 2021 at 13.30 - 15:00 (GMT+7)
Winner Certificate and cash prize of THB 5,000
1st Runner-up Certificate and cash prize of THB 3,000
2nd Runner-up Certificate and cash prize of THB 2,000
Finalists Certificate (Honorable Mentions)
Key Dates
July 24 Submission of 3-min speech videos by all contestants
Aug 1 (updated) Announcement of finalists on C asean Facebook Fanpage
Aug 4 Submission of 5-min speech videos by finalists
Aug 5 Final Round live on C asean Facebook Fanpage
Aug 8 (updated) Speech by winner in celebration of the ASEAN Day
Any inquiries please contact: info@c-asean.org